ECOTIC BAT has opened registrations for the national educational program dedicated to kindergartens "Even the little ones do great things". The program is addressed...
The twelfth edition of the project "And the little ones do big things!" it's over! See who the winners are!
The 12th edition of "And the little ones do big things" came to an end with 18 tons of batteries collected. The 357 kindergartens across the country that have...
We have opened registrations in "And the little ones do big things" XII Edition!
Bucharest, March 5, 2024 ECOTIC BAT opened registrations in the national educational program dedicated to kindergartens "And the little ones do big things"....
The XNUMXth edition of the project "And the little ones do big things!" it's over! See who the winners are!
The 11th edition of "And the little ones do big things" came to an end with more than 12 tons of batteries collected. The 309 kindergartens from all over the country that...
Final of the 6th edition "And the little ones do big things" with over XNUMX tons of batteries collected
The 9th edition of the project "And the little ones do great deeds" came to an end with over 6 tons of batteries collected. Over 160 kindergartens from all over ...
A new generation of children is doing great deeds
The ninth edition of the project "And the little ones do great deeds" has opened its registrations for kindergartens interested in environmental protection and ...
ECOTIC BAT continues the project through which it addresses its youngest audience, kindergarten children, with dedicated messages, transmitted ...
ECOTIC BAT is addressed to its youngest audience, kindergarten children, with dedicated messages, sent by a funny character and with great attention to ...
Little ones do great deeds! 2018th edition, XNUMX
ECOTIC BAT is addressed to its youngest audience, kindergarten children, with dedicated messages, sent by a funny character and with great attention to ...