A new generation of children is doing great deeds

de | mart. 12, 2021 | The kids do great deeds, News

The one XNUMXth edition of the project "And the little ones do great deeds" has opened registrations for kindergartens interested in environmental protection and separate collection of waste batteries and accumulators.

The project, the ECOTIC BAT brand, is addressed to kindergartens from all over the country, with an educational purpose in terms of waste batteries and accumulators.

It includes two components: information - where preschoolers learn about the importance of separate collection from an early age, the toxic substances contained in waste batteries and accumulators and what they can do to protect the environment, and collect - where children and their families have the opportunity to actively contribute to the collection of DBA.

The most diligent kindergartens in terms of DBA collection will be awarded.

In the previous 8 editions of the project, the principals collected over 20 tons of DBA that went to recycling, thus protecting the environment.

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