Campaigns "Orase Curate (Clean Cities)" and "Comune Curate (Clean Villages)” are aimed both at informing citizens about the importance of the separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment and waste batteries and accumulators, as well as the actual collection of these types of waste in rural and urban environments.
Every year, ECOTIC organizes hundreds of such campaigns to inform citizens about how it is good to deal with electrical waste, what happens to it after delivery, how we contribute to the protection of the environment by doing such things.
These campaigns were designed both in favor of the citizen and the environment:
- Submitters either receive an instant prize or a voucher for submitting a quantity of waste and/or the opportunity to participate in a raffle with prizes.
- The environment no longer suffers from improperly disposed waste.

- The Clean Towns and Municipalities Campaigns are held every year and are announced on the ECOTIC website and on the organization's Facebook and Instagram pages.