If in 2023 the landmark event in the field of waste management was the launch Return Guarantee System (SGR), this year they will appear the first centers with voluntary intake (CAV) financed by PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). In this context, ECOTIC carried out, between May and December 2023, the STEPS FOR URBAN MINING project with the aim of facilitating the transfer of Norwegian know-how in municipal waste management and in the operation of new CAV-type collection centers. see here what the CAVs could look like in Romania.
What will citizens be able to bring to the centers?
The centers are dedicated to the separate collection of recyclable waste and bio-waste, which cannot be collected in individual bins or in the door-to-door system. The centers will also be a solution for the collection of bulky waste, electrical and electronic equipment, used batteries, hazardous waste and construction and demolition waste.
Where will these CAVs be?
Will be 13 large centers managed by the local authorities of Brașov, Ploiesti, Buzău, Iasi, Sibiu, Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca, Baia Mare, Constanța, Tg. Mureș, Galați, as well as by ADI Dolj and the Intercommunity Development Association for the Integrated Management of Municipal Waste in the City of Bucharest. The list of other small voluntary intake centers is available here.
What is the contribution of the STEPS FOR URBAN MINING project?
- Webinar on Municipal Waste Management in Norway
InErgeo is the Norwegian partner that ensured the transfer of best practices during this project. The first action of this project was a webinar held in June to introduce the beneficiaries of the project to the theme of this transfer of experience.
Between August and September 2023, 31 people representing 19 private entities involved in waste management at the local level, in Romania, visited several municipal collection centers in Norway. On this occasion they interacted with those who manage such centers and closely observed municipal waste streams.
On Friday, November 3, 2023, in the presence of the Minister of Environment, Water and Forests, Mircea Fechet, ECOTIC launched Guide with recommendations for the operation of CAVs, available online here. The recommendations in the guide contain all aspects related to the operation of a collection center: staff, access, signage, communication with citizens, necessary areas in the center and other elements of interest.
The best way to illustrate Norwegian good practices is through video images that ECOTIC captured during the working visits organized within the project. In the 7 minutes of the video material, the most important aspects of the operation of a voluntary contribution center are exemplified.
ECOTIC, through the STEPS FOR URBAN MINING project, makes available to the beneficiaries who will manage the future CAVs:
2024 is the year in which the collection infrastructure in Romania will know an evolution through the new disposal solutions that will be available to citizens. What will these centers look like? The structure is similar to that of Norway, here the dedicated video material is available.