"Awards for a Clean Environment!", 2013

de | nov. 1, 2013 | Ecotic Projects

ECOTIC, Alucro, National Association for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies for Romania and Hotnews.ro, under aegis of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Changes, organize the fifth edition of “Awards for a Clean Environment!”.

“Awards for a Clean Environment!” contest is at its fifth edition. The event is a form of recognition and promotion of the campaigns dedicated to environmental protection. The organizers award every year the best projects and examples of good practice in improving the environmental conditions in local communities, and social responsibility programs developed by companies, public institutions and non-governmental organizations.

Since 2009, “For a Clean Environment!” award ceremony, brought together winners from both the business sector- Rompetrol, Vodafone Romania, Siemens Romania –and from educational institutions, military units, and Environmental NGOs, such as Let's Do It, Romania. Any legal entity in Romania has the opportunity to be one of the winners, the only condition is that the project submitted have as target environmental protection.

This year's edition takes place on the dedicated online platform. Projects will be submitted by sending an email at claudia.nicolae@www.ecotic.ro or office@www.ecotic.ro. The fill in forms are also available on www.alucro.ro. The forms include: project description and contact details of the organizers of the submitted project. The forms can be send starting with October, 21 and ending with December, 5 2013.

As in every year since 2009 in every year the organizers wish to highlight new initiatives, projects and relevant experiences in the field of environmental protection and CSR. By promoting these practices we wish to influence the community in getting involved in this kind of actions.

Timetable for the implementation of the Gala is:

  • Competition entries will be up to December 5, 2013;
  • Judging of the submitted projects will be between 6 to 9 December 2012, on December 10 the winners will be announced.
  • On December 12, 2013 the gala will take place.


Gallery of the submitted projects:

001 NETWORK OF PROMOTERS FOR CLEAN VILLAGES - LADO (League for the Defense of Human Rights), Cluj Branch - details here.

002 „Every Can Counts„ You recycle, we reward you - Gymnasium School „Al. I. Cuza ”, Bacau - details here

003 Setters in Tara Hategului - an event for the Dinosaur Geopark and the Retezat National Park - Romanian Ecotourism Association (AER) - details here

004 School for a Green Romania - Zibo Help Association - details here

005 THE WATER. PURPOSE, POWER, GAME. I care. Get involved too - "ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA" Gymnasium School Bacau - details here

006 I Newma New Man for the Earth! I am a new man for the Planet! - Apa Nova Bucharest - details here

007 Together for the environment - Technical College "GRIGORE COBALCESCU" Moinesti - details here.

008 Collection of unused medicines from the population - Project carried out by the Galati Pharmaceutical Employers Association - details here

009 Partnership for the elaboration of management plans / integrated management plans for protected areas belonging to the ecosystem complexes from the Lower Danube basin and the Ialomita and Calmatui tributary rivers (PARTMAP) - Ilfov Environmental Protection Agency -  details here

010  Integrated management plan and information, education and awareness campaign for the Natura 2000 Site Scrovistea ROSCI0224 and ROSPA0140 - Ilfov Environmental Protection Agency - details here

011 And I collect used vegetable oil separately! MARE NOSTRUM CONSTANTA Association - details here

012 Communities on the Move - Club Sportiv „Ulpianum” Oradea - details here

013 Recycle! Respect nature! - Comprest and Alucro - details here 

014 THINK GREEN! - ecological education and social responsibility project - ASOCIATIA PROIECT PRO EUROPA - details here

015 Start to Green - Saint Stelian Association - details here

016 Eco Educatia - “Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Bucharest, in partnership with ECOTIC and Junior Achievement - details here

017 ecoTUR for paper - ECDL ROMANIA SA and the ECOTUR Tourism and Ecology Club - details here

018 Top ECO School - ECDL ROMANIA SA - details here

019  Vacaresti Natural Park - Save the Danube and Delta Association - details here

020  EcoAtitude = Responsibility, Information, Action - INFOMEDIU EUROPA & PARTENER'S - details here

021  Proilavia Braila Tourism Club Association - We grow in the spirit of the Danube! - details here

022 Recycling with ALTEX Romania - Altex Romania - details here

023 ECO Educatia - “Ion Creanga” Gymnasium School from Cluj, ECOTIC and Junior Achievement - details here

024 Let's Plant for the Planet - MaiMultVerde Association - details here

025 COLORED HOURS… GREEN! - Green & Wild Association - details here

026 Recycle today, for your health tomorrow! - Botosani Children's Palace through the Environmental Protection Circle - details here


028 Freinet project of the 11th grade A - study trip and planting of seedlings at Varciorog Bihor - Gymnasium School Nr. XNUMX Oradea - details here

029 For a cleaner green - GYMNASIUM SCHOOL NO.18, TIMISOARA - details here

030 WE CAN RECYCLE AND WE CAN HELP - SUPERBON SRL with the support of CELESTICA ROMANIA - details here

031 BICYCLE BUSINESS - Junior Chamber Organization Bucharest - details here

032 April 22 - Earth Day - Gymnasium School Nr. 11, Oradea - details here

033 Green oasis for education - Agency for Environmental Protection Satu Mare - details here

034 PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT! GET INVOLVED! - ProCreditBank - details here

035 A green day - Eurofan Oil'91 (Petrom distributor) - details here

036 For children-For the future - SOLCONS (Petrom distributor) - details here

037 TOGETHER FOR A CLEANER CITY - NEUMAYER COMPANY (Petrom distributor) - details here

038 The man is re-greening the place! - Save the Danube and Delta Association - details here

039 RECYCLE - ViitorPlus - Association for Sustainable Development - details here

040 Learn to recycle! - Mega Image - ddetails here

041 ecOprovocarea - ViitorPlus - Association for Sustainable Development - details here

042 Biodiversity School. Rare birds, butterflies and plants at the foot of Retezat - Association for the Falconry and Protection of Peregrinus Birds of Prey - details here

043 Pathways - Volunteering for the restoration of paths - ASOCIATIA ECOURI VERZI - details here


045 RECYCLING MAP - ViitorPlus - association for sustainable development - details here

046 New construction materials obtained through the eco-sustainable recycling of industrial waste - EcoWASTES - "CONSTANTIN BRANCUSI" UNIVERSITY FROM TARGU JIU, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING - details here

047  Little friends of nature - educational project - Gymnasium School Nr. 2 „Deacon Coresi” Braşov - details here

The jury that will designate the winners of this edition is made up of representatives of environmental authorities, representatives of the organizers, and Hotnews.ro.
Prizes consist of new electronic equipment.

Press release here.

"For a Clean Environment!" award ceremony, past editions:

In 2009 the first edition of this project took place, the winners were: Agricultural High School ”Caesar Nicolau” from Branesti with the project named “Living nature”, Romtelecom SA with the “Adopt a river” and RealitateaMedia SA with the project ”Romania takes roots ”.

In 2010, 65 projects were submitted, the winners were: VerdeCrud Media Production House, with the project "Eco Revolution" dedicated to school pupils from Bucharest, Center for Excellence in Sustainable Development for the project "Waste Museum" and Agricultural College "Dimitrie Petrescu ” from Caracal with the project “Save the nature!”

In 2011, the winners were: School. 109 – Serban Voda, from Bucharest who developed the project "Schools for a green future", the organization Let's Do It, Romania! for the project "National Cleaning Day", Eco Technical College Campulung for the "Nature brings us together, education separates us", Balcescu Highschool from Flamanzi town, Botosani, for the project "A green drop for a blue planet", School. 12 Herastrau who developed the project "Pollution - a problem at any age". There were also other projects awarded like: "Kids School" developed by Panasonic Romania,"IBM Go Green" - Argovei Valley, "Volunteering catches on!"- Auto Transport Technical College Dr.Tr.Severin, Mehedinti, "Keep Iasi clean! "- Touch, "World Day of cleanliness" - Hantesti Community school, Suceava county, "Internships - an investment for the future" - Technical College No.2 Targu Jiu, Gorj County.

In 2012, "For a Clean Environment!" award ceremony, awarded Rompetrol for environmental initiatives undertaken in the project "Together for everyone", Award of Excellence was awarded to Vodafone Romania for environmental initiatives undertaken in the project "Electronic Invoice" Eco Awards has been awarded to the College of Economics, DP Martian Alba Iulia for environmental initiatives undertaken in the project "Pronatura 2012". Special awards were won by Special Secondary School for Deaf impaired "Saint Mary" for environmental initiatives undertaken in the project "Green space - Lifetime warranty" and SIEMENS ROMANIA for environmental initiatives undertaken in the project "VICTORIA 20.20".

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