Over 500 IT equipment given to rural children through the IT4Kids project in rural areas

de | October. 3, 2023 | News

Started in 2020, at the initiative of the IT Informal School, in partnership with BCR, the "IT4Kids in the rural environment" project marked new successes this year, bringing to the fore an interesting first: crossing the country's borders.

At the time of its initiation, the "IT4Kids in rural areas" project aimed to improve access to modern education (including distance education) for students in rural areas, in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic and the impossibility of children attending school. Today, the project has grown exponentially, both in terms of the number of institutions involved and in terms of the much more complex values ​​of the support given to Romanian children from rural areas in the country or abroad.

Among the prestigious institutions that have been involved over the years, in addition to the initiators, in this generous project, we mention: the National Alliance for the Digitization of Public Institutions, InnovX-BCR, Digital Stack, BCR Social Finance IFN SA, HyperMedia, ECOTICAPDETIC, Workshops without borders and Smart Health Cluster.

In this year's edition of the project, over 140 IT equipment (laptops and video projectors) arrived at the Digital Stack Training Center and at Secondary School no. 1 from Chiesd commune, Sălaj county. Last but not least, some of the laptops arrived at a Romanian education and culture center in Italy, next to the Romanian Parish of "Saints Mina the Great Martyr and Ephrem the New" in Sedegliano, of the Holy Metropolis of Italy in the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which will run technological education projects for the children of Romanians living and working in the villages and communes of the Friuli-Venetia Giulia region.

"The best investment for the future is investing in education. Through what we do at the level of the training center for pupils and students initiated at the level of Digital Stack in collaboration with the Orange Foundation, we want to contribute directly and consistently to the training of new generations, so that the challenges that arise every day on the labor market be much easier to manage by them", stated Mrs. Carmen Ciulacu, CEO of Digital Stack.

All IT equipment collected from donors has been sanitized, formatted and equipped with operating systems by the Ateliere sans frontieres association, with the support of ECOTIC.

"It is a great honor and honor to include Chieșdul on the IT4Kids map for the rural environment, launched in 2020. The project aims to improve access to modern education (including distance or blended learning) for rural students. We thank the traditional partners (BCR and InnovX-BCR), the National Alliance for the Digitization of Public Institutions and last but not least the Informal School of IT, for their support and support. The professionalism you have shown and the dedication to carry out such complex projects are the most obvious evidence of hard work. We are glad that you accepted this challenge and we want to maintain this collaboration in the future!" said Professor Viorica Sabău, teacher at Secondary School no. 1 Chiesd.

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