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ECOTIC together with the Union of Professional Journalists from Romania is launching the competition JOURNALISM FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT dedicated to journalists and press people from Romania. The competition runs for a period of 3 months, during which journalists can create and submit press materials.

The objective of this contest is to support and develop environmental journalism in Romania and to inform the public correctly about topics related to environmental protection and the efficient use of resources in the context of the circular economy.


The competition period is March 21 – June 28, 2024.


Who is it for and what types of materials are included?

contest JOURNALISM FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT is addressed to journalists, reporters, vloggers or bloggers who create press materials following the themes proposed by the organizers.

Any material can be entered in the contest as long as it addresses a theme proposed by the organizers, here we mean: articles, photo reports, blogs, vlogs, video reports, podcasts, radio or TV shows.


How can you sign up?

ECOTIC provides the page and the registration form to allow materials to be registered.


What are the topics we propose you address in the contest materials?

The environmental theme proposed by the organizers is as follows:

  • Environmental education in the education system in Romania.
  • Circular Economy
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity
  • Sustainable development and urban planning in the context of climate change
  • Waste collection in Romania (including the WEEE and DBA component).
  • Waste recycling in Romania (including the WEEE and DBA component).
  • The problem of plastic waste management
  • Good practices in raising citizens' awareness of environmental issues
  • The role of renewable energy in combating climate change
  • Reducing the carbon footprint


Participants can choose one or more topics about which they can make written, photo or video materials.

If there are already materials created and published, on one of the mentioned themes, they can be entered in the competition.


Judging and prizes

Judging will take place during July 01 - 02, 2024. A jury made up of representatives of ECOTIC and the Union of Professional Journalists from Romania will choose 3 materials taking into account the criteria mentioned in point 5.1.3 of Contest Rules.


For the best 3 press materials, ECOTIC offers 3 prizes as follows:

  • 500st place – Altex voucher worth XNUMX EUR
  • Second place – Altex voucher worth 300 EUR
  • Third place – Altex voucher worth 300 EUR


"By organizing this eco-journalism contest, we propose toă we stimulate the interest of Romanian media people towards a topic that is as current as it is complex: environmental protection and the efficient use of material resources in the conditions in which Europe has decisively opted for the transition to the circular economy", declares Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC.


"Along with its purpose of being a union of journalistic creation, of correctly informing the public opinion, UZPR also assumes the public utility with which it is invested - in other words, that of carrying out educational efforts. We undertake our engagement in environmental awareness activity with responsibility, for the benefit of our common future. Thus was considered, and I joined, this marathon of journalistic creation for youth. We welcome the ECOTIC initiative which we join with joy!", declares Sorin Stanciu, President of the UZPR at the launch of this national ecological journalism competition.


More details in the competition rules.

ECOTIC is the first organization of producers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in Romania, founded in 2006 with the aim of bringing more efficiency in fulfilling their environmental responsibilities.

 Union of Professional Journalists from Romania (UZPR) is a professional publishing and journalistic creative association of journalists from Romania and from Romanian communities abroad.

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