Diana Grosu became the second WEEELABEX auditor of ECOTIC and the third in Romania

de | May 26, 2015 | News

The month of May comes with another good news for ECOTIC and for the good progress of WEEE collection and recycling in Romania: Diana Grosu became a WEEELABEX auditor after participating in a specialized course in Prague. Diana thus becomes part of a small and valuable team of WEEELABEX auditors in Romania.

The WEEELABEX standard in the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment appeared relatively recently, in 2013, and came as a necessity in establishing clear and more efficient requirements in operations in WEEE flows. The purpose of implementing this standard is to limit pollution in WEEE collection-recycling operations, to ensure the safety and health of the people involved and to increase efficiency in the recovery of materials resulting from recycling processes.

ECOTIC has undertaken to transpose the WEEELABEX requirements, at a contractual level, in relation to the operators involved in WEEE treatment. Thus, the entire ecosystem of waste and electrical equipment management operations increases its efficiency, transparency and, ultimately, respect for the essential goals: environmental protection and the creation of an infrastructure on which to grow a clean Romania.

WEEELABEX auditors are the key to this improved management system, as they are the ones who verify and evaluate the conformity of the actions of all operators for the following treatment processes: large and small household appliances, cathode ray tube equipment, flat screens and heat transfer equipment .

We wish success to our colleague in the mission to work for a clean environment!


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