Collection campaigns in Teleorman county – March-April 2023

de | mart. 30, 2023 | News

PRIZE campaigns for electrical waste collection.

At the end of March and the beginning of April, ECOTIC in partnership with the TELEORMAN INTERCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION WASTE MANAGEMENT, organizes waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) collection campaigns in 3 cities and 63 municipalities.

Between March 27 and April 7, 2023, ECOTIC and the town halls of the cities of Zimnicea, Roșiorii de Vede, and Turnu Măgurele and the participating communes are organizing Clean Towns and Clean Towns brand campaigns throughout the county.

According to the study "The habits of the Romanian population regarding small electrical equipment" developed by ECOTIC in 2022 10,5% of the small equipment analyzed and which are in Romanian homes are kept even if they are unused or broken. One of the main reasons, cited by 32% of respondents, was not knowing how to dispose of it.

In this context, ECOTIC, together with its partners, makes it available to the inhabitants of Teleorman county, handover solutions for recycling:

  • FREE collection of bulky waste from home (minimum 50 kg electrical waste / refrigerator / washing machine etc).
  • Handing over to dedicated collection points.

To encourage the collection-recycling initiative, the organizers offer PRIZES. Each campaign has its own mechanism, details are available on

Campaign scheduling is as follows:

March 27 – 31: Măgurele Tower, Poroschia, Buzescu, Nanov, Branceni, Măgura, Mavrodin, Furculești, Orbeasca, Drăgănești Vlașca, Răsmirești, Băbaita, Frăsinet, Purani, Talpa, Gălățeni, Cosmești, Moșteni, Botoroaga, Tătărăști de Sus, Tătărăști de Jos, Grația, Trivale Moșteni , Beciu, Ciuperceni, Cringu, Dracea, Islaz, Lisa, Lița, Luca, Plopii Slavițesti, Putineiu, Saelele, Salcia, Seaca, Segarcea Vale, Slobozia Mândra, Traian, Clocociov

April 3 – 7: The Reds of Veda. Scrioaștea and Zâmbreasca.


To learn more details about the mechanics of each campaign Clean Cities and Clean Villages from Teleorman county we invite you to access

"We are trying to sensitize the inhabitants of Teleorman County, both in urban and rural areas, on the importance of separate collection of recyclable waste, especially electrical and electronic waste through information/awareness activities, encouraging them to selectively hand in the waste that can be recycled, especially waste electrical and electronic equipment.” declares Ciprian Ciuperceanu, President of the Teleorman Waste Management Intercommunity Development Association.