Timișoara Recycles - electrical waste collection campaign

de | aug. 16, 2022 | News

All Timișoara citizens who want to actively contribute to a greener future and at the same time to discard old electrical waste can hand it in directly and free of charge at the Iulius Town location, in orange underground car park, Top Shop store area, starting with 15.08.2022 until 21.08.2022, in the time frame 10:00 - 22:00 PM.

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is the end-of-life equipment powered by mains power or batteries and accumulators. These can be vacuum cleaners, televisions, laptops, mobile phones, but also medical devices, power tools, toys with batteries or lighting fixtures.

The following types of waste can be deposited at the collection point in Iulius Town:

- large household appliances; (television, electric heating devices; electric radiators, electric fans; air conditioners, other ventilation equipment)
- small household appliances; (vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, irons

toasters; grinding machines, coffee filters and opening or sealing equipment)
- IT and telecommunications equipment; (phone, laptop, printer)
– consumer equipment. (microwave oven, desk lamp, camera)


Those who bring at least 5 kg of WEEE to the collection point are rewarded by Iulius Town, with a 30 lei voucher at the Mado restaurant.

The prize regulations can be consulted here: REGULATION "TIMIțOARA RECYCLES"

The campaign is organized together with ECOTICthe first organization of producers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in Romania, founded in 2006 with the aim of bringing more efficiency and homogeneity in fulfilling their environmental responsibilities. ECOTIC manages waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) on behalf of approximately 700 affiliated manufacturers and importers.

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