With the occasion of International E-Waste Day, ECOTIC has developed a series of activities in order to promote the importance of WEEE recycling and their separate collection.

Vlog from the GreenWEEE Recycling Factory Buzău – Mariciu

Mariciu introduced his followers to the recycling process of WEEE and emphasized the importance of their separate collection.

Local collection campaigns

With this occasion, we organized 7 local collection campaigns in Buftea, Motru, Cluj Napoca, Giurgiu, Rădăuți and Aninoasa, collecting over 5 tons of electrical waste.

Press Trip

To better inform the population about the separate collection of WEEE, ECOTIC organized on October 12 a press trip to the GreenWEEE factory in Buzău, for journalists interested in the field of recycling.

They were able to see the recycling process, what types equipment is being recycled and what are the benefits of recycling. Afterwards, they've written articles on this matter.