ECOTIC campaigns "Clean Cities" and "Clean Villages" aim to inform citizens about the importance of separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment and battery waste.

1. Clean Cities

In 2022, ECOTIC organized together with its partners 66 campaigns of collection under the Clean Cities umbrella, in several counties from our country including Iași, Cluj, Brașov, Galați, Botoșani etc.

2.Clean Villages

Like the Clean Cities campaigns, the Clean Villages campaigns have the same objective – the collection of electrical waste from the population, but in rural areas.

In 2022 there were 148 campaigns under the umbrella of Clean Villages, in several areas in our country.

3. Webinars dedicated to LPAs

In July 2022, the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests together with ECOTIC organized a webinar dedicated to Local Public Authorities with the theme "PNRR – Opportunities to establish centers with voluntary contribution", with the role of informing them about the financing that can be accessed through the PNRR.

Present at the dialogue were: Valentin Negoiță (President of the ECOTIC Association), Tanczos Barna (Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests), PNRR advisers (Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests), Dragos Călugaru (ECOTIC General Manager) and representatives of LPAs and ADIs in the country.