SUSTENLANDIA CEO FORUM – event dedicated to sustainability in companies, October 9, 2024

de | septum. 3, 2024 | News

SUSTENLANDIA CEO FORUM is a hybrid conference, dedicated to the leaders of the largest companies in Romania, but also to visionary entrepreneurs.


The Embassy of Sustainability in Romania and The CSR Agency are pleased to invite you to participate in the most relevant event focused on sustainability for companies: SUSTENLANDIA CEO FORUM, which will take place on October 9, in Bucharest and online.

ECOTIC and the Embassy of Sustainability invite you to the meeting with John Elkington, "The Godfather of Sustainability" and the creator of the "Triple Bottom Line", the best-known concept in the field of sustainable business management, present for the first time in Romania, at the conference SUSTENLANDIA CEO FORUM.



The event creates the ideal context for applied discussions on the need and ways to transition to sustainable business, a major transformational process, where the leadership component plays an essential role.

Along with John Elkington, there will be Wayne Visser, another pioneer in the field of sustainability, ranked in the top 10 most influential thinkers in academia on responsible business topics. With a combined 80 years of experience and significant contributions to sustainable business management, these experts will inspire and inform you.

The conference will be moderated by Charly Cox, entrepreneur and co-author of the first climate change coaching book.


  • Discover effective strategies for sustainable and profitable business, presented by John Elkington and Wayne Visser, two iconic figures of global sustainability;
  • Understand better the local challenges of the transition to sustainability, discussed in a local panel, together with executives at the head of some top companies in Romania;
  • You will have networking sessions and opportunities to exchange ideas and impressions with numerous experts and leaders from the local business environment.


Please note that due to limited space:

  • offline tickets are available only to CEOs and managers/directors of sustainable development in companies with more than 50 employees or with a turnover of more than 50 million euros. Before purchasing a ticket offline, you must first complete this application form.
  • online access tickets are open to all professionals who are passionate or directly involved in the field of sustainability

Tickets are available here.


For any additional questions/difficulties in purchasing tickets, please contact Claudia Hîncu directly at



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