de | June. 24, 2024 | News

ECOTIC together with the Union of Professional Journalists from Romania (UZPR) decided to extend the registration period for the contest JOURNALISM FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT until October 9, 2024.

The awarding of the winning journalists will take place on the occasion of the International E-Waste Day, which takes place every year on October 14.

The decision to extend the contest comes from the desire to encourage as many journalists as possible to produce materials on the themes proposed by the organizers and to enter them in the contest.


Who is it for?

The contest is addressed to journalists, reporters, vloggers or bloggers who create press materials following the themes proposed by the organizers. Details and proposed themes here.

Types of material accepted: articles, photo reports, blogs, vlogs, video reports, podcasts, radio or TV shows.


How can you sign up?

ECOTIC provides the page and the registration form to allow materials to be registered.


Judging and prizes

The judging will take place between October 10-11, 2024. A jury made up of representatives of ECOTIC and the Union of Professional Journalists from Romania will choose 3 materials taking into account the criteria mentioned in point 5.1.3 of Contest Rules.

For the best 3 press materials, ECOTIC offers 3 prizes as follows:

  • 500st place – Altex voucher worth XNUMX EUR
  • Second place – Altex voucher worth 300 EUR
  • Third place – Altex voucher worth 300 EUR


"We aim, through this civic initiative, to stimulate the interest of Romanian media people in addressing a topic as current as it is complex: environmental protection and the efficient use of material resources in the current European context of transition to the circular economy", declared Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC.

At the same time, Sorin Stanciu, President of UZPR, points out that: "The purpose of this contest is to encourage journalistic efforts in the field of environmental issues and sustainable development. The long-term objective is to support environmental journalism in Romania for correct information of the public in order to form a new, responsible attitude of Romanians towards the environment and sustainable development".