Schools in disadvantaged areas receive "One byte of help" from Ateliere Fără Frontiere and ECOTIC

de | aug. 11, 2021 | News

Reconditioned IT equipment donation campaign

13 educational structures from 10 counties of the country benefited from 100 refurbished IT equipment as part of the donation campaign ""One byte of help" organized by Ateliere fără Frontiere in partnership with the ECOTIC Association. The campaign is part of educlick, a Ateliere fără Frontiere platform, through which the collected IT equipment is prepared for reuse by people from disadvantaged backgrounds and then donated to schools or educational institutions that do not benefit from these facilities.

Thus, the donation of computers has an impact in three different areas: education, support for reuse and socio-professional integration for people who have difficulty finding employment on the free market.

The need for IT equipment and Internet connectivity are two aspects increasingly visible at the level of the Romanian school. Unfortunately, schools in disadvantaged areas are most often deprived of these facilities, which affects the quality of the educational process and the further development of students.

“Școala trebuie să pregătească elevii pentru viitor, iar viitorul înseamnă tehnologie. Eu nu văd tehnologia ca pe un scop în educație, dar o văd ca pe un mijloc extrem de valoros și ofertant, ce poate aduce în sala de clasă lumea întreagă.  Întrebuințarea tehnologiei în scop educativ este o realitate în majoritatea statelor dezvoltate, iar țara noastră face pași importanți în acest sens. Din păcate, pașii ăștia sunt “mai firavi” pentru școlile din mediu rural.

Pentru școala noastră, mâna întinsă de ECOTIC și Asociația Ateliere Fără Frontiere  înseamnă un pas spre o educație “în” și “pentru” vremurile pe care le trăim. Aceste echipamente acoperă un gol. Ele aduc un mare plus de valoare lecțiilor în clasă și vin în sprijinul unor elevi defavorizați în situația unui învățământ la distanță.

For children who will benefit from these devices it is a big step forward. It means broadening the horizon, and a wider horizon brings higher dreams and the motivation to fight for their fulfillment. ” Mrs. told us. teacher Laura Mitrofan, Gymnasium School Nr. 3 Sita Buzăului.

ECOTIC is the only organization in the field that supports through the partnership with Ateliere fără Frontiere the reuse of IT equipment to be subsequently donated to schools, placement centers or NGOs that have not benefited from IT facilities. Also, ECOTIC contributed together with ASRO and CERC to the transposition into Romanian of the requirements regarding the preparation for reuse of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

To continue these donation campaigns we invite companies wishing to hand over old but functional IT equipment by filling out the form available on